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John Graham Donate October 9, 2013


Paula’s mom and dad raised foster kids and loved helping kids. Paula’s mom got involved with St. Jude hospital years ago and her dad always kept it going after Lorraine’s Death 8 years ago, so Paula and her sister thought this was a great thing to do on their fathers behalf.

St Jude hospital

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(Paul Simpkins)

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John Graham Paula's Hand October 7, 2013

I was dating Paula (pops daughter)  and I was so in love with her , I went to Nanny and talked with her about wanting to take Paula's hand in Marriage. Nanny said I needed to ask Pop for his Permission to Marry his Daughter,I said I know that but I was hoping you would pave the way for me so I did not take him  by surprise .Well the very next day I went over to Paula's  home and asked to talk to Pop. I asked Pop if I had his permission to Marry his Daughter .He looked at me and said Whatever. I said no I really want to marry Paula he again said whatever .I was standing there dumbfounded !!! Nanny was in the other room listening to everything I  walked into the next room  and saw her and told her he said whatever. Nanny said that was him saying o.k. I told Nanny I needed his blessing  so I went out there again and asked him for permission to marry Paula. I wasn't going to stop asking until he said yes. He then said Yes as Nanny was yelling  it from the next room Yes ......... Well Paul's little girl was hard for him to let go. I understand now  but at the time I felt he didn't like me. Well Paula and me have been married  for 28 years this October 19th . We gave Paul 3 Grand children and a life full of happy memories .Paul you will be missed .I wish we had more time with you and Nanny

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